Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fussy Baby

You would think that by the third time around I would have figured out most of what there is to know about taking care of a baby but apparently I've missed something along the way! Ella ALWAYS wants to be held! When it first started she wanted to be held because she was in pain due to tummy issues and constipation. Now that we've got most of that out of the way I think she's just gotten used to it. The trouble is that I can't get anything done - EVER! Usually about once a day I can get her to sleep in her swing just long enough to get some work done but the rest of the day? Forget about it! I hate that I'm getting so frustrated about it but I can't help it. It's worst in the evenings when I just want to relax and maybe draw or knit or something but I can't. I don't have a problem with letting her fuss but that's just the problem - she doesn't. She is either happy or literally screaming mad and I don't believe it's healthy to let them scream. I've tried so many different things to help such as gripe water, colic relief, gas drops, a quiet room, a noisy room, the vibrating papasan chair, the Boppy on the floor, tummy time... I can't keep her happy! I'm truly having a tough time with this but I'm hoping that it's just a phase that she's going through and that she will soon be able to be put down for even just 20-30 minutes without getting mad. I try not to let it get me down and to enjoy the time I spend holding her because I know it will pass far too quickly and it is truly a blessing from God. I just want her to be able to feel happy and relaxed no matter where she is. *sigh*

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